Friday 23 October 2020

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Brand: Cardinal

Pieces: 500

Size: 27.9cm x 35.5cm
Product Code: -

I love hearing about random national days and weeks- when things a little out of the ordinary have their chance to be appreciated or celebrated. My Mother-in-law has a block calendar specifically for this, which was gifted to her (possibly for Christmas last year?) and which she has used to add a bit of excitement throughout the year. 

For example, on International Pretzel Day, she made some yummy pretzels and on National Eat Chocolate Day, you can guess what we did! Haha.. 

I'm not sure if they are all real recognised 'holidays' but one that I know of is, at least in Australia, National Bird Week. This year it runs from Monday 19 October to Sunday 25 October, so I've just gotten in there before it ends. I don't really know much about the Week (you might have to Google it cos I don't have time to do it for you right now) but I thought I'd put up this puzzle I did of some tropical birds a little while ago- a perfect way to commemorate the week! 

This puzzle was very good quality even though it was one of those really cheap $1 ones, and the pieces were tiny. The colours were vibrant though, and it kept my attention throughout. Love those kinds!

I wonder which interesting day/week event I can incorporate my puzzle photos into next week? 

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