Friday 21 August 2020

The Periodic Table Of The Elements


Brand: Eurographics

Pieces: 1000

Size: 48.89cm x 67.63cm
Product Code:  6000-1001

In Australia at the moment, we're celebrating National Science Week (well we're towards the end of it anyway) so I thought it would be fitting to put up this puzzle for today (since I already put up Little Scientists a few weeks back).

What better representation of science than the periodic table of the elements! I remember learning the first 20 symbols and elements off by heart when I was at school and studying Chemistry, and I still haven't forgotten them! 

This puzzle from Eurographics was quite easy to do when you separated each of the elements by colour and was very informative once completed. I love puzzles like these where they also have an educational aspect. The quality was perfect - I've only ever had one Eurographics puzzle where the quality was poor- and the colours are vibrant. 

How many of the elements do you recognise?

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