Friday 14 August 2020

Tree-Dwelling Slowpokes

Brand: Mudpuppy

Pieces: 500

Size: 46cm x 36cm
Product Code:  -

I have been feeling so lethargic lately that no other puzzle fit as well as the one that I have chosen to display today. 
The above puzzle was quite quick to do, besides the similar colours, and perfectly represents the laziness I have been emulating over my last few days off. 

You know when you feel so tired that you just can't work up the energy or motivation to do anything? That has been me- I have done the bare minimum lately and I hate it. But sometimes you just can't get out of little funks like these. I woke up earlier today and with a bit more energy so hopefully that's the end of it and I'll be able to be a bit more productive from now. But we'll see how I go...

In the meantime, enjoy this cute Mudpuppy puzzle- they're always good quality and have a nice selection of designs to choose from. 

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