Friday 7 February 2020

Frida Kahlo

Brand: Aquarius
Pieces: 1000
Size: 51cm x 71cm
Product Code: 65-340

In all the motivational women's books going around at the moment, Frida Kahlo is one of the resoundingly popular ladies that keeps cropping up. Although I have read about her in the past, I barely remember anything about her, besides the fact that she was someone who changed the art world against all odds and that she had a unibrow! I also know that she did a lot of self-portraits, but that is as far as my knowledge about her goes!

Regardless, when I saw the design of this puzzle, I was enticed to buy and do it. I thought the floral background was striking and the colours were amazing! This puzzle was quite easy to do when you sorted the colours by each flower style, and the pieces fit together perfectly as per typical Aquarius brand fashion.

Having completed this puzzle, I am kind of interested now to learn more about this iconic woman...

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