Friday 25 October 2019


Brand: Re-Marks
Pieces: 250
Size: 27.9cm x 35.6cm
Product Code:  -

I've always been fascinated by illustrated artworks, whether they be adaptations of familiar characters or something completely unique. That's why I enjoy doing puzzles like the one above. Although I don't know who the artist is for this puzzle (I have also done several other designs by the same illustrator), I really love the style. The colours are so vibrant and the people (or mermaid in this case) who are featured are just so pretty. 

This puzzle was one of the first I ever did from this brand and I really enjoyed it. The pieces fit well together and there was a great collection of designs available.I'm hoping to purchase and complete more over time, but it's all dependent on the exchange rate, as I've only ever seen this brand available in the USA. 

If you get the chance to try Re-Marks out, however, I highly recommend it!

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