Friday 18 October 2019

Mare And Foal

Brand: Puzzlebug
Pieces: 100
Size: 22cm x 28cm
Product Code:  -

This week is the Geelong Cup- a public holiday for my area- and I couldn't be more excited to have the day off! I haven't actually been to the horse races for a long time, since my uni days in fact! But even though I won't be heading to the track, I'll still be making the most of my day. I plan to travel to Melbourne with my mum and go dress-hunting for my brother's wedding next month. Can't wait! 

Because I won't be going to the Geelong Cup, the Melbourne Cup (2 weeks later), or any of the Spring Racing Carnival in fact, I thought I would put up this picture now.

This was just a cheap Puzzlebug puzzle but I liked the simple design. The quality was as expected, and it was quick and easy to do.

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