Friday 1 November 2019

Artistic Mickey

Brand: Ravensburger
Pieces: 5000
Size: 153cm x 101cm
Product Code:  174324

Although I have no real reason for this, I feel like it's about time I put up the biggest ever puzzle I have completed (to date). 

I felt such an achievement after completing this puzzle for the Global Jigsaw Jubilee earlier this year.

With 5000 pieces, it was the biggest one I had ever completed, and although there were a few space issues (this puzzle's dimensions were BIG), there weren't too many other problems. I think I was able to work it better because the subject (Disney characters) was familiar to me and it kept my interest. 

I absolutely adored this puzzle- it was bright, interesting and had many points of interest. The most challenging part for me was probably the dalmatians at the bottom, but I got there in the end. I was also so happy not to have lost any pieces while doing the puzzle- how disappointing would that have been!

I'd like do another larger count puzzle at some stage (maybe even bigger!?), but first I need to find a design I like (some of the wildlife ones are pretty cool), some time and a bigger working space!

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