Friday 1 March 2019

Jenny Sanders: Picnic At Lake Tabourie

Brand: Blue Opal
Pieces: 1000
Size: 70cm x 50cm
Product Code:  BL01908

I may have mentioned before that I love the Blue Opal releases of Jenny Sanders' iconic classic car artwork. 

Here is another one from my collection that I thought I'd post up today. 

While I love the colours of this car, it took me a while to realise what was wrong with the image... Can you work it out?!

Yes, the car is disproportionately too big compared to the size of the people! This has nothing to do with the depth of the image because they are not that far in front of the rest of the scene- the image of the car is just absolutely too big compared to everything else! I'm not sure what happened here but the artist has definitely made sure that the car is the main focus! 😂

Other than that slight, I loved this puzzle for the usual reasons- the colours were vibrant, the pieces fit well together and despite the slight sizing mishap, the illustration was spot on.

Oh well, can't win 'em all! 

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