Friday 9 February 2018

The Junction Express

Brand: SunsOut
Pieces: 500
Size: 18" x 24" (45.7cm x 61cm)
Product Code: 36626

Sometimes I have a reason for posting a particular puzzle, usually in commemoration of a certain day or event. 

Sometimes I don't! 

Today is one of those days- when I saw this puzzle photo sitting in my folder I thought,  'Why not?' 
So here it is!

This SunsOut puzzle is made up of uniquely shaped pieces and was a pleasure to do. Because the colours are so vibrant, it was quite quick to sort and put together, and because of the size, I was able to do it on a smaller board, making it much more manageable. If I do any transport puzzles, it's usually of classic cars rather than locomotives, so doing a train puzzle was a nice change from the norm...

I think it came out a treat! 

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