Friday 23 February 2018

Bourbon Street Parade

Brand: Cardinal
Pieces: 500
Size: 35.5cm x 27.9cm
Product Code: -

Well it's back to Saturday morning posting, at least for the foreseeable future. 

Last week was quite intense in terms of busyness. Like I mentioned, we went to see a band on Friday night, then the next day was spent at the Melbourne Zoo, although I didn't see any pandas because they no longer have them there :( , and the Vic Market. Despite our best efforts, we didn't end up staying for 'White Night' - we were too exhausted and would have had to wait at least 5 hours for it to get dark enough for the event. Maybe next year?! 

This weekend is also going to be quite busy- Geelong's multicultural festival Pako Festa is on today (which is why I have posted the above picture). I thought that the carnival vibes of the Bourbon Street Parade coincided nicely with our local event. We'll also be going to Melbourne this Sunday to visit relatives and see Robbie Williams live in concert- so many shows coming up! 

But back to the puzzle...

This Cardinal branded puzzle was quite a joy to do. The colours are vibrant and the pieces are small and fit together perfectly. I love busy and eye-catching designs like this because there's always something different to look at and it makes the piecing together of the puzzle interesting. 

Another successful design from this brand :)

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