Friday 2 February 2018

Mexican Skull (Colección México)

Brand: Ravensburger
Pieces: 1000
Size: 50cm x 70cm
Product Code: 196869

If you're looking for a more challenging 1000 piece puzzle, then this could be just the one for you! 

I don't usually have many difficulties when it comes to Ravensburger puzzles- in fact, I usually find them quite easy to do. But this one gave me issues! The skull part was easy enough to do, but when it came to the purple and black zigzags around the skull, I had a bit of trouble! In fact, this is the only puzzle I have done recently where I needed to sort the pieces by shape and use a process of elimination to work out which piece went where. Because the colours were solid, it took ages! I finished the skull in no time and the following days were spent trying to work out the rest! Needless to say, it got me quite frustrated and there was a proper sense of satisfaction when I was finally able to put the last piece in and complete it.

On another note, did you know that a few days ago (January 29) it was National Puzzle Day? And thanks to the lovely @puzzlebedazzle on Instagram, I learnt about a wonderful Facebook group called Global Jigsaw Jubilee! They hold a puzzle-solving competition for their members, which begins on this day and runs until the end of April. Registrations have closed now and the competition is in full swing but it's a great event for jigsaw enthusiasts and well-worth entering next year...

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