Thursday 15 February 2018

Playful Pandas

Brand: Cardinal
Pieces: 500
Size: 35.5cm x 27.9cm
Product Code: -

It's quite rare that I don't post this blog (and Instagram) on a Saturday morning, but sometimes circumstances call for a change. Tonight my husband and I are going to be attending the Evanescence concert in Melbourne (one of my favourite bands from my teenage years), and we'll be staying in the city overnight so I won't have any opportunity to post tomorrow morning. We'll also be staying in Melbourne until late tomorrow night- we wanted to experience 'White Night'- therefore my next opportunity would have been Sunday morning and that just feels too late! 

So I'm getting in a day early!

I have decided to post the above puzzle for two reasons- one, we'll be spending time at Melbourne Zoo on Saturday and I love to visit the pandas! And two, even though it's the Year Of The Dog for Chinese New Year, I didn't have any puzzles of dogs to put up so I figured I'd put up one of a distinctly Chinese animal instead! 

The above puzzle was quite easy to do, although some parts of the dragon (above the pandas) were a little bit challenging. The pandas themselves weren't too bad because the shading of their fur made it easier to differentiate each part and determine which panda was which. 

Funnily enough, when I finished this puzzle, there were two pieces left over, with nowhere left to put them! Usually with these cheaper brands, you find yourself missing pieces, so I suppose that was a pleasant surprise, even if I couldn't do anything with them. Maybe there's another Playful Pandas puzzle out there somewhere that's missing two pieces?! Oh well, at least it wasn't mine!

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