Friday 3 November 2017

Paris by Anthony Kleem

Brand: Puzzle Collector Art (Lafayette Puzzle Factory)
Pieces: 1000
Size: 51cm x 68cm
Product Code:  -

Well, as promised, I have put up a puzzle from a different brand this time round. And unlike my normal routine where I link the design image to something that is relevant to my life or the world around me, this one today is completely random!

When I first saw the design of this puzzle I was drawn towards the busy illustration of Paris that Anthony Kleem has produced. It features all of the important landmarks of the city- as well as the people- in a charming and patriotic way. The colours are vivid and the city is represented in a less metropolitan way than is the norm- looking almost like an idealic little village rather than a bustling city centre. 

This puzzle took only a few days to do but it was definitely a treat.

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