Friday 15 September 2017

Reef Adventure

Brand: Puzzlebug
Pieces: 500
Size: 46cm x 28cm
Product Code:  -

It's hard to believe that around this time last year, rather than being in cold, rainy weather, I was travelling around Fiji and Vanuatu for my wedding and honeymoon. 

The weather there was absolutely beautiful, the places we visited were amazing and the people we met were lovely. I had my first experience learning to Scuba Dive (granted, it was only in a hotel swimming pool, but at least I was able to learn the basics) and we got to snorkel some beautiful reefs, particularly near the amazing 'floating bar' Cloud 9, which was an experience in itself. 

To reminisce, I thought I would post up this photo of a puzzle I did recently. Although we weren't lucky enough to see any sea turtles, we did get to see some incredibly bright and beautiful tropical fish in their natural environment. This puzzle brought back memories of warm water, pretty coral and the aforementioned brightly-coloured fish. It was pretty quick to do, when working in colour blocks, and the design was (and is) fun and busy.

Perfect for brightening up a dull-weathered day and bringing back lovely memories, I reckon!

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