Friday 7 October 2016

The Muscular System

Brand: Eurographics
Pieces: 1000
Size: 48.89cm x 67.63cm
Product Code:  6000-2015

Every now and then I like to deviate from my usual tendency to do jigsaw puzzles of pretty or bright images, and go, instead, for something a little more educational. 

I recently had one of those moments, and decided to do a puzzle that explores the human body's muscular system, as depicted above. Featuring imagery of the human body, each important muscle is pointed out and named, making this a worthy educational tool for somebody studying human anatomy. There are also sections in the design where close-ups are revealed and more details are given about particular muscular groups, especially those in smaller body areas, like your hands, or around your head and neck. 

Closeup of the face and neck muscular system

This puzzle contains a lot of useful muscular information

Closeup of the muscles of the hand

This puzzle was somewhat of a challenge, mostly because I was unfamiliar with many of the muscle names, and where they are found in the body. Also adding to the challenge were the unusually shaped pieces (which are particular to the Eurographics brand), and the fact that there were a lot of white spaces where there were no distinguishing characteristics to tell where they belonged. After I had completed the main imagery, it was pretty much a game of trial and error to find where the rest of the pieces went!

Despite this, The Muscular System was an enjoyable puzzle to do, and I'm sure I will do many others from Eurographics' educational range in the near future. 

This puzzle is available from Fishpond by clicking the link below:

Muscular System 1000-Piece Puzzle

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