Friday 7 June 2024

The Bookshop Cafe

Brand: Reverie Puzzles

Pieces: 1000
Size: 50cm x 70cm

Product Code: -

Hi all, I'm not sure if I mentioned a few weeks ago that I was going to skip a week of posting. I had to travel interstate for work and was unable to put up any photos on this blog or on Instagram. But I have a couple of weeks free before my next interstate jaunt, so here we are. Today you get the honour of seeing this amazing puzzle from Reverie Puzzles, and who knows what next week will bring!

This puzzle was a pleasure to put together. The design (like all of the ones commissioned for this brand) is gorgeous- I love the illustrations! The colours in this design are vibrant, the pieces fit together snugly, and there's just general good vibes surrounding this puzzle (I don't know how else to explain it). I own most of the puzzles from this brand and look forward to having the chance to complete them all at some point. 

Is there one puzzle brand that you absolutely love and wish to own every design from?

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