Friday 3 February 2023


Brand: Ravensburger

Pieces: 500
Size: 49cm x 36cm

Product Code: 168309

This puzzle photo has been sitting in my pile for a while and I wasn't really sure when I would have the chance to put it up- until recently. 

It just never seemed relevant for what was happening in my life. 

But I now have the perfect opportunity for it!

On Instagram, @yeahpuzzles has organised a global competition where people are invited to #puzzlethealphabet. The rules are quite simple- find and complete puzzles for each letter of the alphabet, post them in your stories with the 'secret symbol' - which is anything with a heart on it- and then she will collate all the photos to put you into the draw to win prizes from various sponsors. 

It's been so cool to see all the different puzzles that people have been entering for this competition, although it's really not helping my addiction to puzzle collecting- I'm seeing more that I really want to buy! 

#puzzlethealphabet will be running throughout all of February, and anyone with an Instagram account can join. Visit @yeahpuzzles page for information on the rules and requirements to enter. 

If I had done the above puzzle in the February timeframe I could have entered it as part of the competition under 'T' (Typefaces) or 'R' (Ravensburger), but I have since done and sold this one on. 

I liked how, just looking at the faces, they could just appear to be faces. But, knowing the context of them (and that they are representative of different letters), your brain is able to 'see' those letters. That was so poorly explained, but I don't know how else to describe it! It's a great puzzle regardless, and you should consider doing it!

Anyway, enough of my terrible explanation. Have yourself a look at the Instagram competiton- it's a lot of fun!

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