Friday 6 January 2023

Snail Mail

Brand: Re-Marks

Pieces: 300
Size: 45.7cm x 61cm

Product Code: -

Well, it's a brand new year- we're already a week in!- yet everything feels very much the same for me. 

I'm still spending way too much on puzzles that I want to do, but probably won't have the chance to do! 

How good were some of the Boxing Day and End of Year sales? 

Once again, I bought way too many and now have over 300+ puzzles on my to-do list- all of which are currently sitting in my spare room which I was hoping to clear out sometime soon! 

I don't know how I'm going to get through them all (without the added pressure of completing ones that I'll no doubt continue to buy- I know I have a problem). Even if I complete one a day (unlikely), that's still gonna take me about a year to get through them... but hey, I'm willing to give it a shot! I'll just have to forgo other activities to get it done 😉

The puzzle I've chosen for today was one I completed a few years ago that features stamps from all around the world. I figured this one would be appropriate for the holidays, especially with all the travel that's taking place at the moment. This puzzle was bright and colourful, with lots of lovely stamp images. As someone who collects stamps, I enjoy looking at designs like this one. 

Do you collect anything other than puzzles?

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