Friday 13 January 2023

Breakfast In Bed

Brand: New York Puzzle Company

Pieces: 500
Size: 45.7cm x 61cm

Product Code: NPZJH2201

Do you find yourself constantly looking for new puzzle designs, even though your collection is already at an all-time high? 

Unfortunately, I'm guilty of that. 

The smallest things can trigger my decision to have a look at websites I often buy from. 

For example, an email for a sale might pop up, so it makes sense to have a look and see what's on offer. 

Or, in the case of this morning, I noticed that the Japanese Yen has gone down in value compared to the Australian dollar, so I was enticed to look at some of the Japanese sites that I haven't been on for a while...big mistake! I have already found a few I'm interested in and am currently trying to talk myself out of spending more money! 

The puzzle I've posted above was one that I got on sale when it was just released, so I have decided to put it up today. The artwork is by Janet Hill Studio, and there are quite a few that were released in the collection (some in 500 and some in 1000 piece counts). I bought a few from the series, but there are even more that I have my eye on for the future- there's that pesky buying thing again!

The fit of the puzzle was snug and was made up of unusually shaped pieces (in typical fashion for the brand).

I hope to do the others in my collection soon, as I really need to reduce the amount of puzzles in my to-do list. This is especially the case if I can't curb my obsession and end up buying some more!

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