Friday 21 October 2022

The Witches Lair

Brand: Pennywinks

Pieces: 1000
Size: 75cm x 52cm

Product Code: -

Halloween is approaching, and what better puzzle to do than one that incorporates all the spooky fun of the day! 

I never used to be terribly interested in Halloween- I thought it was a very commercial and unnecessary day that we had adopted from other countries. But over the last few months, I have been invited to a party and seen all the excitement surrounding it, and now I'm kind of in the mood! Haha! I'm actually looking forward to dressing up and seeing other people's costumes now, and I'm looking forward to the day when my daughter is old enough to want to get involved. My, how things change...

Anyway, this puzzle is the only one in the Pennywinks catalogue so far. They released it through their Amazon page and are Australian. There are more puzzles apparently in the pipeline. The quality was wonderful, the colours more vibrant than my photo shows and the pieces fit together perfectly. While it was a little on the expensive side to purchase- I bought it when they put it on sale- I will definitely be looking at whatever else they have to offer in the future.  

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