Friday 8 April 2022

Animalia Book Cover Collector

Brand: Ikon Collectibles
Pieces: 1000
Size: 51cm x 74cm
Product Code: IKO1846

As my baby girl grows older, we've been reading a lot more books that I used to read myself as a child. One that I haven't yet read to her but plan on introducing very soon is Animalia- the wonderful picture story by Graeme Base. His books are so beautifully illustrated, and when I first saw this puzzle that features the front cover artwork of the book, I knew I had to get it! 

This puzzle was a joy to do- there was barely any puzzle dust, the artwork was perfect, and the nostalgia hit I got after I completed it- woah! haha

There are a few more puzzles in this range, as well as some from another of Graeme Base's books, The Eleventh Hour, so I might have to add a few more to my wishlist.

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