Friday 4 March 2022

She Series: Real Women Edition

Brand: Lucky Puzzles
Pieces: 1000
Size: 48.9cm x 67.6cm
Product Code: LP-1000-011

In a few days it will be International Women's Day and what better puzzle to put up than one celebrating some fabulous women from around the world who have made an impact!

I have quite a few puzzles which celebrate women but when I went to choose one to put up, I realised that I haven't done hardly any of them! They're still in their boxes ready to go, so I'll have to make an effort to get them done soon. The above puzzle was one of the few that I actually did have done so I decided to put it up to commemorate the day. The women in this puzzle are so influential in their fields, and although I don't recognise some of them, I do know who most of them are. That's the beauty of Google- because their names are underneath their pictures, I can check who they are and what they are best known for!

The puzzle itself was quite good to do. I had to import it from America.

The pieces were irregularly shaped, which made it more challenging, and I had to leave the border for last cos it was difficult to do otherwise. Unfortunately, some of the pieces had scratches on the imagery, and some of the pieces weren't as clean-cut as I would have liked. But when the puzzle was assembled, these problems weren't as visibly noticeable. Otherwise, I love the artwork on this and was very happy with the overall design- a great memento of some great women through the ages!

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