Friday 3 December 2021

Weasley Sweaters (Harry Potter)

Brand: The OP Puzzles

Pieces: 550
Size: 45.72cm x 60.96cm

Product Code:  -

It's December! As in previous years, I can't believe it's rolled around so quickly. The end of the year always seems to come around sooner than I anticipate! 

So that means it's time for Christmas-themed puzzles. I haven't really got a lot, but hopefully I've got enough to complete for the month of December's posts. 

I know for a fact that despite all the hundreds of puzzles I have and need to still do, a very very small percentage of them are Christmas-themed. Is that a valid reason to buy more? Speaking of which, how did you go with the Black Friday/Cyber Monday sales? I know that I probably should have instigated an internet ban on myself for that weekend but some of the deals were too good to resist. I'm a sucker for a good sale! Especially when there are puzzles involved! Oops- I'll have to exercise more self-control for the next few months (ie years).

Anyway, back to the puzzles...

Today's puzzle features Harry Potter, Christmas and a lovely cross-stitched theme- a puzzle by The OP Puzzles. When I saw this one, I was strangely excited. Ugly sweater excited! This puzzle was different but I enjoyed doing it and is the first of the Christmas puzzles I will be putting up this month. It was the first time I had done a puzzle from this brand too, and I plan on doing others if I come across them

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