Friday 19 November 2021

World Of Travel

Brand: Willow Creek

Pieces: 1000
Size: 68.6cm x 50.8cm

Product Code:  -

Yesterday was a momentous day for many Victorians, with the easing of covid restrictions! We can now go to most places without having to wear a mask, can hit the dancefloor, and capping restrictions have ended so we can go to places and not be restricted on how many people can be there! I'm not sure how long this will last for, and I really hope that lockdowns are a thing of the past, but we'll have to see what happens. This is all because we've reached a benchmark in vaccination rates. Yay! 

This easing also means that travel is now becoming more of an option, which is why I have posted the above puzzle, designed by Lewis T. Johnson. The design drew my attention with all it's cool 'stickers' of travel destinations around the world. This was the first puzzle I had done by Willow Creek and it was different to put together odd-shaped pieces, after doing so many puzzles recently that have uniform shapes. But I still enjoyed the challenge. Some of the pieces were a bit scratched up though, which I was disappointed about considering I bought it new. Oh well, nothing can be done about that!

I'm really looking forward to travelling again, even if it's just around Australia. Have you got a travel destination in mind for the coming months?

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