Friday 11 June 2021

Night In

Brand: Journey Of Something

Pieces: 1000
Size: 70cm x 50cm
Product Code:  -

I've had one of those moments of hindsight... I should have done my puzzle of Queen Elizabeth II by Eurographics and put that up today to celebrate The Queen's Birthday Public Holiday we will be having on Monday. Alas, I forgot about it and only realised today- much too late to complete and photograph! Oh well, maybe next time...

Instead, I will have to settle for a puzzle that features several other queens instead.

I came across this puzzle at a local Target store (in Australia). I never knew that Journey of Something had released a limited edition set of puzzles there (strangely, they don't show up anywhere on their website?) so when I saw them, and the awesome designs, I thought, why not?! I only bought 2 (the above one, and one that features an apartment building) because they were still quite expensive and I was already loaded down with baby paraphernalia (the reason I went there to start with) but I just couldn't resist.

The above design is by @soyserrano who has an amazing following on Instagram for his artwork. I just love it!

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