Friday 25 June 2021

Ellis Beach, Cairns, QLD

 Ken Duncan Images Of Australia (Crown & Andrews)- The World's Most Beautiful Jigsaw Puzzles
Pieces: 504
Size: 64cm x 24cm
Product Code:  -

It's currently winter here in Australia and I never thought I'd say this but I'm really starting to miss the warmer weather!

Because of this, I thought I might put up the above image- how beautiful does this tropical puzzle look?! 

I've never been to Ellis Beach but I have been to Cairns, and I can remember how warm and sticky the weather was- so humid! Even if I'm not a huge fan of the weather, there's no denying how beautiful that sky looks.  

Ken Duncan always manages to capture the most beautiful images (hence the name of the puzzle brand he prints with I guess 😉)

Is there a place you're craving to go to at the moment?

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