Friday 6 January 2017

Buttercup Meadow (Santoro)

Brand: Ravensburger
Pieces: 500
Size: 49cm x 36cm
Product Code:  146864

I'm not sure what the weather's like in your neck of the woods at the moment, but over the last few days, summer has certainly made it's presence felt where I live! We've had several days where the temperature has been over 30 degrees celsius- not something I terribly enjoy, unless there is a pool and cool drinks around to make it bearable! 

Because of the discomfort I've been feeling, I decided to do a puzzle with soft, calming colours (which still holds a summery feel) and couldn't go past the cutely illustrated Buttercup Meadow. Released by Ravensburger and designed by the clever folks at Santoro, this puzzle has a lot of similar colours (in the white and ecru tones of the sheep) which makes it a little bit more challenging than you would expect. There are also varying shades of green and blue throughout the design. 

This image is very cute, of high quality, and is one of a few that Santoro have collaborated with Ravensburger to release. I'll definitely be looking out for any others they may put out.


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