Friday 24 May 2019

Oberhofen Castle, Switzerland

Brand: Trefl
Pieces: 1500
Size: 85cm x 58cm
Product Code:  26102

Well, I'm happy to say that my recovery is going well and that I have only missed one week in my posting on this blog (and my Instagram). 

I got home from hospital last Sunday and while I could have put up a post, I decided to remain consistent and wait till Saturday to put something up (as I usually do).

In the last week, between resting and reading, I have had the opportunity to do several puzzles, which I will post over the coming weeks. Unfortunately, I am also running out of boards to do them on! I'll have to take photos and break up the puzzles as soon as I get the chance so that I can get started on the next one!

In the meantime, I have decided to post up the above puzzle. 

My husband and I have been trying to work out where we want to go on our next overseas holiday and we're trying to decide between the US and Europe. If we were to go to Europe, I would love to visit Oberhofen Castle in Switzerland. Doesn't it look amazing?!

This is the first puzzle by Trefl I have ever done. The quality was great, but the sky just about killed me! I had to use the process of elimination in the end to get it finished and the amount of time it took to do the sky almost outweighed the time taken to put the rest of the puzzle together! But the end result is wonderful and I'm pleased I persisted. I'll more than likely do some more puzzles from this brand over time, as they have some lovely scenic designs. 

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