Friday 22 October 2021

Running Horse Buddies

Brand: Puzzlebug
Pieces: 100
Size: 22cm x 28cm
Product Code:  -

During the week it was the Geelong Cup Public Holiday. As a casual worker, I got the day off work but besides that, it just felt like any ordinary day. Usually I would see photos online of friends that had attended the races, or see people's sweepstakes for the event, but there wasn't anything this year because the Geelong Cup wasn't open to the public. I didn't even realise the race had run till that evening- there was hardly any fanfare around it this year!

But I have decided to put up a picture of a puzzle I did of running horses, just to give it a look in (especially since I got a day off for it). The above puzzle was only 100 pieces, and was through the Puzzlebug brand (which are very hard to find nowadays since they are no longer readily available at Kmart). The quality was cheap as you'd expect but the image quality was good. 

I have a few more of these smaller piece counts to do and then I'll be done with my collection unless something else pops up!

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