Friday 31 May 2019


Brand: Re-Marks
Pieces: 250
Size: 27.9cm x 35.6cm
Product Code:  -

Today is the first day of winter in the Southern Hemisphere and over the last week or so, we have definitely been feeling it!

The day's have been so cold lately, which is why the above design is so fitting. 

While there is rarely snow in the area that I live, it has felt cold enough that I wouldn't have been surprised if we got a little bit of snowfall! In other parts of Victoria however, like Mt Hotham (a popular ski area), they have already experienced a bit of a fall, so that'll keep a lot of the snowbunnies happy.

I love the above design, although I'm not sure who the illustrator is. It's such a pretty drawing, and the puzzle was a pleasure to do. If anyone knows who drew it, I'd love to find out! Some of the other Re-Marks puzzles I have bought are illustrated by the same person- i just love the style! 

Friday 24 May 2019

Oberhofen Castle, Switzerland

Brand: Trefl
Pieces: 1500
Size: 85cm x 58cm
Product Code:  26102

Well, I'm happy to say that my recovery is going well and that I have only missed one week in my posting on this blog (and my Instagram). 

I got home from hospital last Sunday and while I could have put up a post, I decided to remain consistent and wait till Saturday to put something up (as I usually do).

In the last week, between resting and reading, I have had the opportunity to do several puzzles, which I will post over the coming weeks. Unfortunately, I am also running out of boards to do them on! I'll have to take photos and break up the puzzles as soon as I get the chance so that I can get started on the next one!

In the meantime, I have decided to post up the above puzzle. 

My husband and I have been trying to work out where we want to go on our next overseas holiday and we're trying to decide between the US and Europe. If we were to go to Europe, I would love to visit Oberhofen Castle in Switzerland. Doesn't it look amazing?!

This is the first puzzle by Trefl I have ever done. The quality was great, but the sky just about killed me! I had to use the process of elimination in the end to get it finished and the amount of time it took to do the sky almost outweighed the time taken to put the rest of the puzzle together! But the end result is wonderful and I'm pleased I persisted. I'll more than likely do some more puzzles from this brand over time, as they have some lovely scenic designs. 

Friday 10 May 2019

Fashion Fabulous Barbie

Brand: Buffalo
Pieces: 1000
Size: 68cm x 50cm
Product Code:  11660

It was hard to decide which puzzle to put up today. 

I wanted it to be something fun and pretty- cos it's my birthday!! 

It's also quite possibly the last puzzle I will be putting up for a while because I am scheduled for surgery this coming Monday and I'm not sure how my recovery will go (or whether I will be able to do many of the things I ordinarily do). Hopefully that isn't the case but you never know!

So.... Pressure's on!

Here's the choice- Fashion Fabulous Barbie...

Reminiscing to my childhood days, Barbie was one of my favourites- maybe because she looked the complete opposite to me, and was so stylish and pretty. When I discovered this puzzle I just had to buy it- it's not often that you see a favourite childhood toy immortalised in a puzzle design for ADULTS! All the Barbie designs I have seen before this (and since) have been aimed at children, with extremely low piece counts. 

This Buffalo puzzle was a joy to do- the pieces fit snugly, the design is bright and busy and the imagery is wonderful. 

So I think it's fitting that this is my birthday and 'sayonara for now' puzzle.

Hopefully my recovery will be smooth and I'll be able to continue on with this blog (and my instagram). Just know that as soon as I am able, I will get back to it!


Friday 3 May 2019

Star Wars: 'The Force Is Strong With This One'

Brand: Buffalo
Pieces: 2000
Size: 98cm x 67cm
Product Code:  -

Today is the 4th of May so... HAPPY INTERNATIONAL STAR WARS DAY!

Yes, I know it's a tad geeky but who doesn't love a bit of Star Wars (actually I know a few people who don't, so just ignore that little comment). Anyway, to celebrate the day, I have posted this puzzle from Buffalo that I recently completed for the Global Jigsaw Jubilee. Made up of 2000 pieces, this is a fantastic puzzle that features some of the best (and iconic) characters that the franchise has to offer. 

The quality of this puzzle was amazing, and the colours were a lot more vibrant than my camera was able to give justice to. I have to admit that a few times I got stuck with the darker spaces (the black was very solid and I had to use the process of elimination to fit in some of the pieces), but overall, this was a wonderful puzzle.  

I have only done a few Buffalo branded puzzles in the past but I have never been disappointed in regards to the quality and design range. I will definitely be adding more to my collection in the future.

May the fourth be with you...