Friday 8 July 2016

The Hiatus is over... Now back to it!


Sorry that it's been such a long time between posts. It seems that life got in the way, as is always the case. But I'm back now, and I hope to have plenty of offerings in the next few months.

While life has been fairly hectic, I have managed to get a few puzzles done here and there. I have also (finally) joined the Instagram band wagon (you can follow me @jigsawpuzzlelove) and I will be posting up pictures of the puzzles from this blog as I do them. 

I will also try to be a bit more regular with the time frames between posts, although don't get too stroppy if I happen to be a bit slow in getting them up here. Between work and other commitments, it can sometimes be a challenge to find the time to do a jigsaw puzzle, let alone write about it! We all know how time-consuming they can be! 

I hope you enjoy looking at Jigsaw Puzzle Love and that my blog posts might inspire you to get to that table and start piecing together those pretty pictures.

Until next time,.. 


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