Wednesday 13 July 2016

Pokemon Character Chart

It seems that Pokemon Fever has truly gripped the world, and it doesn't look as though it's going to abate anytime soon. 

Thanks to the release of the Pokemon Go app in Australia, New Zealand and America (with many more countries soon to follow), the characters from the Nintendo gaming world have never been so popular. 

Everywhere you go, there are people walking around with their phones, trying to catch an elusive Pokemon to add to their collection. 

I'm not sure how long the novelty is going to last, but it inspired me to dig through my childhood belongings, where I knew that an old Pokemon jigsaw puzzle lay in wait. 

The box was slightly battered, and I had forgotten how large the pieces were, but I dutifully put it together to create a whopping 61cm x 91cm puzzle. 

Featuring the characters from the first series, and with the theme song playing in the background, it was with great pleasure that I was able to recall all the Pokemon of my youth, and put the puzzle together without looking at the box for help. 

This was certainly a case of nostalgia at its best...

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