Friday 12 October 2018

Beautiful City Architecture And Colors In Summer Season, Oslo, Norway

Brand: Puzzlebug
Pieces: 500
Size: 46cm x 28cm
Product Code: -

The Puzzlebug brand, while cheap, always has interesting designs, and this one is no exception. 

I like how they find images to represent various towns and cities, that you may not normally see in a jigsaw puzzle design. 

This one, featuring the Norwegian city of Oslo, is charming and picturesque- making you want to just pack your bags and visit!

The only fault I have with these puzzles (besides the fact that they sometimes don't join that well) is that they have such long and convoluted titles! Sure, that's not a terrible thing, but they do seem a bit too long-winded sometimes! Oh well, what can you do? 

Otherwise, they're not too bad for the price and at least there's plenty of variety in designs to choose from...

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