Friday 22 March 2019

Forest Party

Brand: Re-Marks
Pieces: 250
Size: 27.9cm x 35.6cm
Product Code:  -

I always enjoy trying new puzzle brands- especially when they have interesting designs or are harder to get in Australia (in which case, I buy them online and get them sent to me from overseas)!

While this can sometimes prove expensive, it's something that I like to do occasionally (especially if there is a sale on) and can lead to some very cool purchases. 

Like the above puzzle for example. 

As far as I have been able to tell, Re-Marks is a brand that is virtually impossible to buy in store in Australia. Unless they have a stockist I am unaware of, the only way I have been able to buy any of their puzzles is online from America. 

I purchased the above puzzle (and a few others) last year, and was not disappointed.

They have pretty and/or cute designs, the pieces fit well together and they have an altogether different look to some of the other illustrated imagery I have seen available. I enjoyed doing Forest Party- it was a nice, quick finish and the design was just perfect for what I felt like completing in that moment. 

It's a brand I think I'll definitely be going back to...

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