Friday 15 February 2019

Summer 69 Bunte Converse

Brand: Ravensburger
Pieces: 500
Size: 36cm x 49cm
Product Code:  146512

It feels like summer is coming to an end- the mornings are getting darker, the heat is fading from the day and it's getting darker earlier as each day comes to a close. While I'm no great fan of hotter weather, I will definitely miss the extra daylight hours that come with summer, and the chance to do more things at night before it gets dark. 

I have posted the above puzzle simply for it's reference to summer- with it's pretty watercolours and the iconic Converse branded chucks in a lovely hot pink, this puzzle was on my list for a long time before I just decided to buy and do it. I mean, why the hell not?! 

It was pretty easy to do and the colours are great- a nice one for when you want to get a quick puzzling fix :)

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