Friday 15 June 2018

Popeye Village, Malta

Brand: Colorluxe
Pieces: 1500
Size: 58cm x 84cm
Product Code: -

When it's bleak and cold in your home country (winter!) you sometimes need a little sunny-side-pick-me-up. Besides going on a holiday, one way to do this is to do a puzzle with a lovely sunny image that immediately transports you to a warmer climate- hence my puzzle this week of Popeye Village in Malta.

While it doesn't appear to be a tropical location, the beautiful colours of the water and the bright red tiles of the buildings certainly make a difference when considering the dismal weather and overall greyness of life where I live at the moment! 

This puzzle was a little bit challenging to do when it came to working the background mountains and some parts of the ocean, but that only made it more interesting. There were plenty of colour shades to keep the design fresh and prevent boredom. 

I'd never heard of Popeye Village before, but apparently it's where they filmed the musical production of Popeye, and due to its popularity, they changed the village's former name to reflect that. 

I definitely wouldn't mind visiting it!

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